Road Accident Claims Scotland
When you’re involved in a traffic accident on the road, it can be a severely distressing event that could result in injuries that can range from minor bruising to whiplash, or even severe head or spinal injuries. If an accident has left you with injuries, you could possibly be in a position to claim compensation.
Personal injury Scotland lawyers are dedicated to all of our clients to ensure that they receive the maximum level of compensation so that they can have full peace of mind as they make their recovery while assuring their quality of life. We have a traffic accident claims team that is made up of specialists at working swiftly and with sensitivity toward making sure that you always receive highest level of care. Our lawyers are recommended by numerous major car insurers based upon years of experience in handling traffic accident claims for compensation.
Whether your injuries are minor or serious, a personal injury lawyer Scotland has the necessary experience for helping you to file your claim. Our expert team are highly experienced at handling road traffic accident claims and has a solid understanding of all of the concerns that could have a financial and emotional impact on you and your family after you have experienced an accident.
Let our Personal Injury team look after you for full peace of mind
Our personal injury solicitor will have a discussion with you regarding your injuries and then offer you expert road accident claims advice about compensation expectations, rehabilitation and any ongoing health problems that may occur. In the event that you require physiotherapy or additional medical support, we will arrange a meeting with our client support team for aiding you in accessing all requisite care. In addition, we can assist you in getting back to work should your injuries have required time off or the necessity of leaving your job.
Call now for a free consultation 0800 011 9547
In the event that the injuries incurred require immediate care, like treatment by a specialist or wheelchair ramps at your residence, we can file an application for you to receive early partial compensation. What this means to you is that you have the ability to begin your recovery during the ongoing claims process, further ensuring your adjustment to your new situation.
Personal injury Scotland solicitors have been responsible for assisting thousands of clients with road traffic accident claims that include:
- Whiplash claims
- Accidents involving multiple vehicles
- Claims for brain, head and spinal injuries
- Accidents that involve hit and run or uninsured drivers
- Accidents that involve children
- Accidents involving public transportation (taxis, trams, buses)
- Road accidents involving fatalities
- Accidents involving bicycles Accidents involving motorcycles
Our accident investigation team can get involved if you require additional evidence to support your claim. They can examine the accident scene, gathering reports from witnesses for the purpose of building a clear picture of what occurred. It’s well worth contacting our office to schedule a free initial consultation regarding your claim even if you may not be completely positive if the other party is to blame for the accident.
Call now for FREE advice 0800 011 9547
Four things You Must Do If you’re involved in an accident
Move off of the Road
You could be in shock, disoriented or confused following an accident, so get out of the way of other traffic.
Seek Immediate Medical Attention
You may not immediately feel like you have sustained injuries, but you must always get a doctor’s evaluation immediately. A number of injuries that can be suffered in a traffic accident do not exhibit symptoms until much later. Serious accident injuries could prove devastating and life altering. Seek care immediately, so that you can get on the road to recovery faster.
Contact your Insurance Company
Following the accident, trading insurance company information with any other driver involved is essential. Contact your insurance company even if you think the damage to your vehicle might be minimal.
Collect Evidence
Collect witness reports, videos, photos and any other documentation and data related to the accident. You will need it to move forward with your case especially when another driver was at fault, so be prepared.
Our personal injury lawyers deal with claims in Scotland. We work on a no win no fee basis; all your legal costs will be covered and you will always keep 100% of your compensation. Call us now for a FREE consultation on 0800 011 9547.